Welcome back to the day 7 of Gundam One Year War countdown. Today we can opening Pocket 7.
At the back was another Zeon character and the wording is about "Home sick"...Hm..That something not so soldierly if you asked me.
Who CARES! What matter is the content inside this pocket. As I reached out and open the content, it was wrapped with bubble foam and it was heavy...
Quickly I opened it and behold, Diecast parts!
img border="0" src="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEj-DapuMxfumdkpFJi_4ybRlWdWZ_FMmc225fQAy3ab1PmmgEgp30VA5j4a6h0iAuMUDecB4Nq-5S2qZsGpnU9UiCfg5y0vdmBYaWx6nXDbcfHdS-b_XOMoh-ySIYWG9lzoZ0d7A32TqEOp/s1600/gundam1yrwar7-4.jpg" data-original-width="500" data-original-height="355" />
From the helmet, I know it was Char Aznable.
It was a impressive piece as in closed up, you can see the details of his mask and helmet.
All is perfect until on a certain angle, it seems Char was a woman... (Hint: look at the his chest)
However it was not that obvious until I pointed it out to you right? What do you think?
At the back was another Zeon character and the wording is about "Home sick"...Hm..That something not so soldierly if you asked me.
Who CARES! What matter is the content inside this pocket. As I reached out and open the content, it was wrapped with bubble foam and it was heavy...
Quickly I opened it and behold, Diecast parts!
img border="0" src="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEj-DapuMxfumdkpFJi_4ybRlWdWZ_FMmc225fQAy3ab1PmmgEgp30VA5j4a6h0iAuMUDecB4Nq-5S2qZsGpnU9UiCfg5y0vdmBYaWx6nXDbcfHdS-b_XOMoh-ySIYWG9lzoZ0d7A32TqEOp/s1600/gundam1yrwar7-4.jpg" data-original-width="500" data-original-height="355" />
From the helmet, I know it was Char Aznable.
It was a impressive piece as in closed up, you can see the details of his mask and helmet.
All is perfect until on a certain angle, it seems Char was a woman... (Hint: look at the his chest)
However it was not that obvious until I pointed it out to you right? What do you think?