While I was checking out the Despicable Me 2 minions, I stumble upon Dreamworks Dragons Defenders of Berk Figures.
I remember the How to train your Dragon never release any figures on retail in Singapore and finally I can get Toothless!! But wait! there's more!!
First there is the original Night Fury, the unholy offspring of lighting and death itself. Never engage this dragon. This form when he was not injured nor tamed. This toothless will fire missile from his mouth and spread his wings.
You have the double head dragon known as the Zippleback. It has double head and one was known as Belc and the other Barf.
Close up on the heads. Both can be activated by pressing each button on the back of the dragon
Then there is Monstrous Nightmare, Hookfang which the toy can shoot two discs.
Then there is Stormfly
You can press his back button and it will open his mouth and the tongue will light up.
Last of all, there is the Toothless version which he is being tamed. Instead of being shot, it's tail will act as a projectiles and there is a sheep that was used as the ammo. LOL
Now that is not all, brace yourself to see the cute dragon version and here are some of them such as SD Stormfly
and the baby or SD Toothless. Each of these SD version are SGD$9.90 on retail.
There is also Shield accessory for kids to role play.

Do not be fooled thinking it is only a Shield. It can transform into a crossbow weapon to shoot the dragons! So it is both an offensive and defensive accessory!
Since toothless is so cute, there should be soft toys and there are. Here is the mini Toothless plush

If you need one to hug, there is a bigger Toothless plush too!

I ended up got some Toothless toys and I will review that later. I wonder should I do a video review or photo review?
If you are wanting to get these Dragons, do it fast! It is affordable and it is cute too!

I remember the How to train your Dragon never release any figures on retail in Singapore and finally I can get Toothless!! But wait! there's more!!
First there is the original Night Fury, the unholy offspring of lighting and death itself. Never engage this dragon. This form when he was not injured nor tamed. This toothless will fire missile from his mouth and spread his wings.

You have the double head dragon known as the Zippleback. It has double head and one was known as Belc and the other Barf.

Close up on the heads. Both can be activated by pressing each button on the back of the dragon

Then there is Monstrous Nightmare, Hookfang which the toy can shoot two discs.

Then there is Stormfly

You can press his back button and it will open his mouth and the tongue will light up.

Last of all, there is the Toothless version which he is being tamed. Instead of being shot, it's tail will act as a projectiles and there is a sheep that was used as the ammo. LOL

Now that is not all, brace yourself to see the cute dragon version and here are some of them such as SD Stormfly


and the baby or SD Toothless. Each of these SD version are SGD$9.90 on retail.

There is also Shield accessory for kids to role play.

Do not be fooled thinking it is only a Shield. It can transform into a crossbow weapon to shoot the dragons! So it is both an offensive and defensive accessory!

Since toothless is so cute, there should be soft toys and there are. Here is the mini Toothless plush

If you need one to hug, there is a bigger Toothless plush too!

I ended up got some Toothless toys and I will review that later. I wonder should I do a video review or photo review?
If you are wanting to get these Dragons, do it fast! It is affordable and it is cute too!