If you are waiting for more Transformers stuff, you are in luck!
Here are the line up of Hasbro Transformers 4 movie Platinum Edition that will roll out in the following months!
Platinum Edition - Leader Optimus Prime and Grimlock, RRP SGD$179.90 (Available Aug 2014)
*Image credits to Hasbro Singapore.
Platinum Edition - Breakout Scene Pack, RRP SGD$139.90 (Available Sept 2014)
*Image credits to Hasbro Singapore.
Platinum Edition - Generation DinoBots 5-Pack, RRP SGD $219.90 (Available Oct 2014)
If you are waiting to get the whole lot of DinoBots and in original colors in the movie, this is one set you got to have!

*Image credits to Hasbro Singapore.
Transformers Protectobots Emergency Response 3-Pack, RRP SGD $69.90 (Available Oct 2014)
*Image credits to Hasbro Singapore.
Transformers Protectobots Evac Squad 2-Pack, RRP SGD$69.90 (Available Oct 2014)
*Image credits to Hasbro Singapore.
Platinum Edition - Generation Autobots 5-Pack, RRP SGD $199.90 (Available Oct 2014)
Want to get the gang of Autobots and in scale? This is one set to get Autobots fan of Transformers 4 movie.
*Image credits to Hasbro Singapore.
Platinum Edition - First Edition Optimus Prime w/ Trailer, RRP SGD $279.90 (Available Oct 2014)
If you are waiting for Optimus Prime to have Trailer, this is one set you are waiting for!
*Image credits to Hasbro Singapore.
This set comes with exclusive Sideswipe in red color!
*Image credits to Hasbro Singapore.
There are so much to look for to right?!
Here are the line up of Hasbro Transformers 4 movie Platinum Edition that will roll out in the following months!
Platinum Edition - Leader Optimus Prime and Grimlock, RRP SGD$179.90 (Available Aug 2014)

*Image credits to Hasbro Singapore.
Platinum Edition - Breakout Scene Pack, RRP SGD$139.90 (Available Sept 2014)

*Image credits to Hasbro Singapore.
Platinum Edition - Generation DinoBots 5-Pack, RRP SGD $219.90 (Available Oct 2014)
If you are waiting to get the whole lot of DinoBots and in original colors in the movie, this is one set you got to have!

*Image credits to Hasbro Singapore.
Transformers Protectobots Emergency Response 3-Pack, RRP SGD $69.90 (Available Oct 2014)

*Image credits to Hasbro Singapore.
Transformers Protectobots Evac Squad 2-Pack, RRP SGD$69.90 (Available Oct 2014)

*Image credits to Hasbro Singapore.
Platinum Edition - Generation Autobots 5-Pack, RRP SGD $199.90 (Available Oct 2014)
Want to get the gang of Autobots and in scale? This is one set to get Autobots fan of Transformers 4 movie.

*Image credits to Hasbro Singapore.
Platinum Edition - First Edition Optimus Prime w/ Trailer, RRP SGD $279.90 (Available Oct 2014)
If you are waiting for Optimus Prime to have Trailer, this is one set you are waiting for!

*Image credits to Hasbro Singapore.
This set comes with exclusive Sideswipe in red color!

*Image credits to Hasbro Singapore.
There are so much to look for to right?!