Street fighters Capcom Gals collection Gashapon

To continue our Street Fighter week, it is fair to do some coverage on the ladies of Street Fighter.

Some years ago, Capcom came up with a Gashapon (capsule) series of Capcom gals and I was fortunate to get a hold of some of them. The Street fighter ladies on show here today are mostly from Capcom gals collection series 2.

Since it is Street fighter week, it is only fitting to review the street fighter ladies here and leave the other Capcom gals out.

First is Sakura. A 16 years old school gal who a big fan of Ryu resulting her mimic Ryu fighting style as hers.

When she first appeared in Street Fighter Alpha 2, she was a popular character for many players.

Next is Elle aka Juli. In some ways, she does look like Cammy...

But I have no recollection of her. Thanks to KazeTora for telling me she is Juli from Street Fighter alpha 3.

How can we forget about Chun Li, the first female character in Street Fighter?

She is strong and sexy. A master of her own art. What is she doing in the photo, I have no idea...

My best guess is she was doing her "inverted hurricane kick". If that the case, she should be inverted like this...

Maybe she is charging her Ki or something. Better not mess around with her...

Ibuki appear in Alpha series and was favorite of mine.

She is skilled in the art of ninjutsu as a trained assassin. In this series, they featured her standing on a rock.

She is such a beauty to behold.

Let's have a group photo, Ladies.

I know some of you must be wondering what happened to Cammy? Oh! There she is.

Cammy, what are you doing?



I think let's keep that between you and me. This Cammy figure was from the series 1 of Capcom gals collection.

That wrap up about the ladies of Street Fighter which I owed. So who's your favourite ladies in Street Fighter?


Bubbashelby said…
These are really cute. How big are they?
LEon said…
They are about 3.75 inches. Depend on their height as some are taller, some are shorter. :)
Jcee said…
Cammy's pose looks like its from Ultraman lol
LEon said…
Jcee you can say that too. LOL
I like Sakura! She's determine and Kawaii. She's easy to use in the game too!
RiP666 said…
Chun li pose was great haha
LEon said…
I used sakura too. Her move very much like Ryu and ken. I love most about her rushing Shoyuken.

Yes I like the pose of Chunli too. :)
KazeTora said…
That unknown girl is Juli from Street Fighter Alpha 3, L.
LEon said…
Thx KazeTora for the info. Will update that. :)
Shaun said…
these figures look really cool. Always tempted to get into gashapons as their sculpts are amazing.
LEon said…
Thanks Shaun. For the price of a Gashapon figure for display, it is affordable. Sometime their QC is better than some actual action figure toys.
Shaun said…
it will take extra funds and space for me to ever get into them. Do u display them with plastic step shelves? Think its the most space economical way to display them.
LEon said…
Yes I do display them before on my glass cabinet but now pack them into ziplock bag for storage for awhile as I need space to display other new toys. I did this type of redecoration now and then depending on mood. :P

For the $ part, I guess most of the toy sellers sell them in set which sometime collectors are only interested in some characters figure in that series. This series however I bought it as I like majority of it. Otherwise, I would go to turn the machine for fun and hope to be lucky. XD
Shaun said…
"I did this type of redecoration now and then depending on mood. :P"

This is very therapeutic. :)

Yah, buying entire waves does add up to quite abit.
LEon said…
Although I don't have visitor to my home, I still enjoy redeco my room once in awhile. Many a time that will include cleaning as well which is quite tiring. LOL

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