Welcome back to Dragonball Tuesday. Today we are heading back to the cool gadgets from the Dragonball series. Continue the countdown, next in line are the Saiyan Armor.

They are extremely stretchable

They even fit Vegeta when he transformed to the great ape form.

The armor are designed to be stand certain amount of attack and it is light weight. They will not obstruct any movement of the wearer in combat or on mission. I don't think heat is a problem to the wearer too.

It's really an advance piece of technology which made for one size fit all in various configurations to customized to any style and needs.
I always want one of these even when I was younger. However I always find them look weird in real life

* Picture credit to Future girl on flickr
but in the Manga and Anime, they look really cool.
As for toys, this is the only Saiyan Armor I have from my Vegeta figure from Bandai.

Saiyan Armor is a must have to complete the look of a Saiyan! What will you do if you have a Saiya Armor? Will you wear it?

They are extremely stretchable

They even fit Vegeta when he transformed to the great ape form.

The armor are designed to be stand certain amount of attack and it is light weight. They will not obstruct any movement of the wearer in combat or on mission. I don't think heat is a problem to the wearer too.

It's really an advance piece of technology which made for one size fit all in various configurations to customized to any style and needs.
I always want one of these even when I was younger. However I always find them look weird in real life
* Picture credit to Future girl on flickr
but in the Manga and Anime, they look really cool.
As for toys, this is the only Saiyan Armor I have from my Vegeta figure from Bandai.

Saiyan Armor is a must have to complete the look of a Saiyan! What will you do if you have a Saiya Armor? Will you wear it?
Best look was the later version with no shoulder pads that Vegata wore after Namek