In the year 2000, there was a Hello Kitty soft toys craze over at McDonald in Singapore. I remember joining in the queue to collect the whole series too. McDonald had once again included Hello Kitty collectibles. It is the the 35 years collections of Hello Kitty starting from the year 1974 to 2009 with their Happy meals Promotion. I went to McDonald to check out and got the 1974 Hello Kitty collection with an order for a Happy Meal.

1974 was the year when Hello Kitty all begin. A very good year I must say. ;)

Time to Open the Toy. Unlike the previous soft toys, this collection are more to an iconic diorama display. The casing is an apple shape that has "Hello Kitty 35 years" imprint on it.

It comes with an instructions sheet. On one side a presentation of 1974 Hello kitty in Japanese languages.
While the other side, some simple instruction regarding the toy.

There's a catchment on the side. Press it to open the casing.
Once opened, say Hello to the Hello Kitty inside.

The apple shaped casing had a 1974 sticker on one side and a seat for Hello Kitty on the other.

Personally I find the casing was rather cramp for this Hello Kitty. I had a feeling Hello Kitty preferred outside of the casing.
Why? Just look at the seat.

Does she look comfortable to you?

Even kitty refused to go back inside the casing. I need to coax her back. Come on Kitty. Go back and I will bring you out later.
Come on, be co-operative. Please don't turn your back on me...
Okay how about I bring you some more friends from the series later? Wonderful! That's a nice kitty. No, I will not lie to you. Rest assure. Sleep tight!

Phew! managed to get her back.

Guess I have to get another one of this soon. Before that, time to do some excises to burn some fat to make room for happy meal. Well maybe just one more.
If you are a Hello Kitty fan or collector, you cant miss out this one.

1974 was the year when Hello Kitty all begin. A very good year I must say. ;)

Time to Open the Toy. Unlike the previous soft toys, this collection are more to an iconic diorama display. The casing is an apple shape that has "Hello Kitty 35 years" imprint on it.

It comes with an instructions sheet. On one side a presentation of 1974 Hello kitty in Japanese languages.

While the other side, some simple instruction regarding the toy.

There's a catchment on the side. Press it to open the casing.

Once opened, say Hello to the Hello Kitty inside.

The apple shaped casing had a 1974 sticker on one side and a seat for Hello Kitty on the other.

Personally I find the casing was rather cramp for this Hello Kitty. I had a feeling Hello Kitty preferred outside of the casing.

Why? Just look at the seat.

Does she look comfortable to you?

Even kitty refused to go back inside the casing. I need to coax her back. Come on Kitty. Go back and I will bring you out later.

Come on, be co-operative. Please don't turn your back on me...

Okay how about I bring you some more friends from the series later? Wonderful! That's a nice kitty. No, I will not lie to you. Rest assure. Sleep tight!

Phew! managed to get her back.

Guess I have to get another one of this soon. Before that, time to do some excises to burn some fat to make room for happy meal. Well maybe just one more.
If you are a Hello Kitty fan or collector, you cant miss out this one.
1974 is the most worth getting set as it comes with a hello kitty figure. You collecting them all?
Wow! You guys are hardcore. I can't imagine you and your gf have to eat happy meal every week for every of the figure. Watch both of your weight bro.
If anyone have spare 1990 and 2003, please contact desmond!
or maybe I just didn't find anything cute if it is not anime related ^^"
They are very cute to the ladies in general. Hello kitty also has their own animation too.
I am not as crazy for Hello Kitty as before for this series. I bet if they were soft toys again, the craze will be more.
Sometimes think about going to McD's just to get a toy or 2, read the McD's are the largest distributor of toys in the world.
My memories of hello kitty was in the 1980s. At that time it more like a gal thingy in primary school.
Mcdonalds are one big and effective distributor alright. Imagine every single week there are always new toys selling with the happy meal. No toy manufacture can match that. No Sir.
@Dutch Rabbit
Ah! polly pocket! A name that I have not heard for a long time. Missed those toys and advertisement. Let us know if the kitty fever hit over your end okay?
Bring your wife and kids there! This is the last week!!! This week offer is the best as they have 4 hello kitty figure with different color. I just got one yesterday. Going to share some later. :D