I was told today that Keroro was gathering a team of special individual for a special assignment. Sound like G.I Joe? Let's find out.

A wonderful surprise for Singapore National Day. XD

Have a Happy 44th Birthday Singapore!!!

A wonderful surprise for Singapore National Day. XD

Have a Happy 44th Birthday Singapore!!!
love the visual asthetics of the photos!
Thanks bro! if you use your 12 inches toy to do this will be more awesome!
Thanks Bro! I love this set of Keroro best. LOL
I did not paint anything on my keroro. It was how they were. I took the photo with open window thus the lighting is bright and reflective. I wanted to paint them flat actually. You should share you and your sister Keroro collection too! XD
growing trend and hobby perhaps amongst sgians....
on the other hand, finally managed to link you up in my post....blogger has been glitchy of late, unable to upload pics, link or anything...toolbar often missing....
Can't wait to see that!
Yes STGCC was too packed last year. My blogger was quite alright. Is it because of the template? I will be doing a post tomorrow linking to you too bro! :D