Fireball Drossel and Hatsune Miku go Chogokin?!

It just come to me that Fireball Drossel and Hatsune Miku are going to release in Chogokin.

You heard me right! Chogokin 超合金! Diecast! For Fireball Drossel in Chogokin is perfectly fine as she is a robot. I can't tell the differences between figma and Chogokin tho in the picture.

* Credit to and

But for Miku? I can't imagine how she will look in metal...In anyway chogokin need extra care to prevent paint chips...


Kodomut said…
When I saw the Tamashii nation pics I couldn't tell the difference either. But at ~19cm, this is a giant when you compare it to the cute little Drossel gashapons.
LEon said…
Drossel have gashapons??! I want it!! Are you getting this Drossel chogokin version?
kodomut said…
Definitely not, I could probably get 2-3 figma versions with the price of this chogokin.

The gashapons have been out for quite long already.
LEon said…
OMG!!! Where can I get the whole set? I want it!!
Wow!They must have command a lot of respect before being able to be released as Chogokin. METAL!

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