Happy Children Day!! October Announcement.

It is Children day today! How I missed my children day...okay to be honest, I wish it was a holiday today for all...

Recently I got a request from a 13 year old in Singapore looking for a G.I Joe Rex, the doctor figure. I was delighted to get such request and understand how much he wanted the toy. I myself is looking for Rex too as I read a good review on him being so cool with his hair on and off. So if you know anywhere in retail having Rex, the doctor G.I Joe movie figure. Let me know! We can do our best to fulfill this young boy dream. :)

I need more time this month to do up a model kit. I got myself a fair share of model kit during the Gundam Fiesta period and I have yet to find the time to paint and assemble it all. Among my Gundam and keroro, there is a new one I really want to work it on. It is none other than Hoi Hoi San from Kotobukiya.

If you have no idea who is Hoi Hoi San, the below animation should give you some background.

Due to popular response of Photohunt, it will still be going on every Monday! Now you can participate more in Photohunt! If you have some toy photos you would like me to do as photohunt, drop me a mail and see what I can come out with. There are only two requirements for the photohunt photo would be
1. Photo must be in portrait
2. Must have a lot of details and colorful background.

As I got my new camera recently, I plan on going for outdoor shoot with some toys photographer to interact and learn from each other. I hope to organize a shoot with our toys outdoor and plan to share it here with toys lovers around the world. This is only going to happen in Singapore on a Sunday morning as that's my only free time.

Now all I need is time.


desmond said…
Bro, anything you need helps for organising such outing just let me know..I can help :P
Jcee said…
Hoi Hoi San is pretty cool! Is it a series or just a short animation?

You should definitely continue the Photohunts, they are great! Except I totally missed last week's for some reason. Also can't wait to see some outdoor toy pics! What camera did you get?

PS. Regarding the Inferno, I haven't had time to check yet, been having late school nights for the whole week. Will probably get to it on the weekend.
LEon said…
Does it mean you want to join us? :D Okay will update the detail later.

Hoi Hoi San as far as I know is a short animation. Even the Manga is quite short.

Thanks for your support on Photohunt. :D I got a canon 500D recently.

Take your time for the Inferno. I can wait. :)
Jcee said…
SWEET DSLR!!! Now I really want to see some pics!!!
LEon said…
Thanks Jcee. I have been using it for some of my toy review already. One of them is my Yotsuba toy review. ^_^
Mario! said…
How about this picture I took for a photo hunt?

LEon said…
Awesome Mario! I will do that for Photohunt in time to come!

Btw is that spock from Chunky in your flickr?!
Mario! said…
That's right, I was one of the stops for Spockcation!
desmond said…
Leon, let me know more if you can..Thanks!!
kluxorious said…
I can't wait to see your Hoi Hoi san. She's freaking cute.

*sigh* wish I could join you guys for the meet up
LEon said…
You can pop by to SG to join us. :D
Hoi Hoi San is great! Ultimate pest control to eradicate especially cockroaches!
LEon said…
I wish she really can do that in real life, Dennis. XD
Ant Sized Man said…
Nice gets, got me a Hoihoi-san coming, looks like one sweet model im looking forward to making.
LEon said…
Im sure your Hoi hoi san will look really great since you are good in paintings. I worry my hoi hoi san may not turn out good...:(

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