As we go on for today mainly female cosplayers photo, feel free to cast a vote which is the nicest photo I have taken.
If you are the cosplayers in these photo here and want me to link you, please leave a comment in this post and I will give credit and link to you.
As cosplayers, they have funs in group.

Posing for groups photos...

Credit of Panther for identifying them Iron Tager, Taokaka, Ragna the Bloodedge and Kisaragi Jin, all from the same game Blazblue.
Or pose alone. Most of them will put on a cool look for the character they are cosplaying but they can be playful at times. However most of the time staying cool.

If you are going to take photograph of them, do it with respect. Most are sweet branch.

* The above cosplayer is Sochii doing Kaito from Vocaloid, Black Rock Shooter version.
Else they can be rather cold toward you.

I didn't learn the hard way. I always make sure they are posing then I went ahead to take their shots.

*Courtesy of Panther for identifying them as Ranka Lee and Sheryl Nome from Macross Frontier.
Here's some teams of K-On!

School uniform version.

Yoko Ritona of Tengen Toppa Gurren-Lagann is there too!

She was quite popular that day!

Here's Yoko platform shoes. :)

If you are a Claymore fans...

This group of cosplayers are quite professional.

*Courtesy of Panther for identifying them as Naja Gurefu, Morute Ashera and Lia Dragonell from World Destruction.
Agree with Panther that Lia look outstanding there.

Here's Hexlord with the cosplayers he know well.

Talking about Hexlord, this shot is taken by him using my camera to show me some photography technic.

Cosplay has no age barrier. Here's some cute looking gals. Know who she is?

It's Taiga!

Here's Mini Misa from Deathnote. She can be deadly if she know your name and face.

Do you think maybe someday my blog will have a female cosplayer or two to support? Well will put that on my wishlist. :)
I had a good time meeting Fuzzy and his brothers and bloggers, panther, Anjerasu and some of the bloggers and photographers that day. We had a late lunch, chit chat and take some photo of toys.
Visit Hexlord photos for more cosplay coverage that day. Day 1 and Day 2
If you are the cosplayers in these photo here and want me to link you, please leave a comment in this post and I will give credit and link to you.
As cosplayers, they have funs in group.

Posing for groups photos...

Credit of Panther for identifying them Iron Tager, Taokaka, Ragna the Bloodedge and Kisaragi Jin, all from the same game Blazblue.
Or pose alone. Most of them will put on a cool look for the character they are cosplaying but they can be playful at times. However most of the time staying cool.

If you are going to take photograph of them, do it with respect. Most are sweet branch.

* The above cosplayer is Sochii doing Kaito from Vocaloid, Black Rock Shooter version.
Else they can be rather cold toward you.

I didn't learn the hard way. I always make sure they are posing then I went ahead to take their shots.

*Courtesy of Panther for identifying them as Ranka Lee and Sheryl Nome from Macross Frontier.
Here's some teams of K-On!

School uniform version.

Yoko Ritona of Tengen Toppa Gurren-Lagann is there too!

She was quite popular that day!

Here's Yoko platform shoes. :)

If you are a Claymore fans...

This group of cosplayers are quite professional.

*Courtesy of Panther for identifying them as Naja Gurefu, Morute Ashera and Lia Dragonell from World Destruction.
Agree with Panther that Lia look outstanding there.

Here's Hexlord with the cosplayers he know well.

Talking about Hexlord, this shot is taken by him using my camera to show me some photography technic.

Cosplay has no age barrier. Here's some cute looking gals. Know who she is?

It's Taiga!

Here's Mini Misa from Deathnote. She can be deadly if she know your name and face.

Do you think maybe someday my blog will have a female cosplayer or two to support? Well will put that on my wishlist. :)
I had a good time meeting Fuzzy and his brothers and bloggers, panther, Anjerasu and some of the bloggers and photographers that day. We had a late lunch, chit chat and take some photo of toys.

Visit Hexlord photos for more cosplay coverage that day. Day 1 and Day 2
My favorite pic is the one with the bright green hair and the blonde (the 8th from the top). They're soooo cute and the costumes and wigs are top-notch quality. ^^ Would have liked to see more of them~
Glad these cosplayers inspire and encourage you in cosplay.
Regarding more photo of those two female cosplayers, I do not have the exact link but I am pretty sure someone took more of them as they are many photographer today. You may want to check at Hexlord the cosplayer photographer.
Which one your referring to? There are two photos with paperbag on (and it is not the last of them I promised).
Believe or not that day Nissan (good marketing) actually give these paper bag with two holes to every visitor outside the convention hall. So anyone can cosplay if they like. I happen to have one but I can't be taking myself. So normal bystander put it on and hopped in the cosplay fun.
One of them is Hexlord while the other lower one is a blogger/photographer visitor of AFA from Hongkong. We are too busy taking cosplayers that we didn't get to exchange contact. Regret...
kindly visit my site and give me a link back,i've already added your link in my blog
In the second picture from the top, from left to right they are Iron Tager, Taokaka, Ragna the Bloodedge and Kisaragi Jin, all from the same game Blazblue.
Sochii is doing Kaito, but I have no idea what version. Right above K-ON! is Ranka Lee and Sheryl Nome (I recognize Sheryl as a returning cosplayer) from Macross Frontier. And it is Claymore, not Claymon.
The professional group of cosplayers Hexlord was with (and I hung around the most) was from World Destruction. From left to right they are Naja Gurefu, Morute Ashera and Lia Dragonell. Naja is a male, and both Naja and Lia are beastmen, hence their slightly weird appearances. IMHO Lia was the best cosplayer there.
Yukito: I was edited out of the photo with Sochii. :D
Like Panther said I edited him out due to privacy concern. LOL
Yes they did put in a lot of hardwork standing there for all to take photograph of them. :)
Pradeep, I couldn't find your blog address. Are you one of the cosplayer in the photo I posted?
THanks for the information. I haven't keep up to date to most anime. :)
I wore that paper bag too for awhile for the fun of it. LOL
I'm pretty sure it is Sheryl Nome. Why you say it's sara?
Lot os veru cute lady cosplayer there, would be far to difficult to pick your favorite.
*am still processing the day 1/2 photos OTL*
Thanks Jay for dropping by. :)
@Ant Sized Man
The event was indoor and that help a lot for the cosplayers to keep them cool. Just pick one for the fun of it! :D
You are welcome. Thanks for showing me some phototaking tips too. When the rest of your photo is done, sent me the link so that I can link here ya? :D
Thanks for sharing more cosplay photos with us! :D I wonder if my cosplay friend went there too. She didn't show up in your photos...
Btw, is the paperbag mask worn by hexlord unique to him or given out to visitors that day? I saw a couple a guys wearing those paperbag masks and posing for photos taken by their female friend at City Hall mrt station platform on last Sat evening. Could it be him and his friends? :P
The paper bag was given freely outside suntec. It was a nissan marketing stuff. Hexlord and I got that paper bag on Sunday only. :D
Thanks for the info and dropping by! :D You look cool in that cosplay. :D
Here are some more photo of the two female cosplayers you asked for.
Look forward to mine when i have uploaded them :)
Haha Bagman WINS!
Sure. Will wait for your update on your blog. :)
Thanks. I got lot of shots that is shady or shaky too. Do you have the our bagman photo?
Anyway my photos are at:
Day 1:
Day 2:
I must learn from you actually. :)