Goku's Kamehameha Wrist Bands Set from Bandai

Kamehameha (亀破波, かめはめは), one of the signature move that define in Dragonball series. I recalled countless time doing that action in residing the phase "Kamehameha" and hoping that somehow someway that a ball of Ki will appear hitting everything I desire it to hit.

Too bad during my time, there are no toy that does that. However the kids are much more lucky now to get to have a wrist band that can simulate the action with light and sound.

All you need to do by wearing it, you follow the action and Goku will sound the Kamehameha with a flash of light pointing at that direction.

This gadget is from the new Dragonball Kai series. Here's a Dragonball Tuesday for you. Kamehameha!


Really fun gadget for the kids. Even more fun if your kids get the costume. It's cosplay for kids too. Ha! Ha!
chunky B said…
That is pretty cool, sometimes I think the roll play toys are more inventive than the standard action figure.
LEon said…
I want the costume instead. I never get to own one of that goku suit before...

You are right. It make it more creative play. Just like holding a lightsaber.

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