Last night my family and I decided to pop by Iluma. It was our first time there and I was on a objective to visit Play Imaginative as they were having a TO-FU promotion 1 for 1 which happen on 8pm to 12pm that day. We were there around 7pm and I was happy to see something familiar there.

I saw the sign!

Lots of TO-FU on display.

They come in many sizes and some Smery TO-FU and Friends were on discount for that day!
TO-FU Mollys too come in different designs and sizes.

Take your pick
Slander Snake, they are cute and harmless

Cheeky & Smiley Mao Cat... the more I look at them, the more I love them.

Ninja Town anyone?

There are Gloomy Bear too...Wicked!

Beside toys, they have other designer stuff like notebooks, T-shirts, pillow cases and other Stationary.

The UGLYDOLL design grow on me too. More of Uglydoll? I bought one of these UGLYDOLL action figure

One of UGLYDOLL action figure ICE-BAT that glow in the dark

Lastly one of this Domo which I missed out during STGCC09.
You may read about my toy review of the two To-Fu I purchased here.
Play Imaginative at 201, Victoria Street, #01-21, ILUMA. </ strike>:)

I saw the sign!

Lots of TO-FU on display.

They come in many sizes and some Smery TO-FU and Friends were on discount for that day!
TO-FU Mollys too come in different designs and sizes.

Take your pick

Slander Snake, they are cute and harmless

Cheeky & Smiley Mao Cat... the more I look at them, the more I love them.

Ninja Town anyone?

There are Gloomy Bear too...Wicked!

Beside toys, they have other designer stuff like notebooks, T-shirts, pillow cases and other Stationary.

The UGLYDOLL design grow on me too. More of Uglydoll? I bought one of these UGLYDOLL action figure

One of UGLYDOLL action figure ICE-BAT that glow in the dark

Lastly one of this Domo which I missed out during STGCC09.

You may read about my toy review of the two To-Fu I purchased here.
The round thingy on their mouth is Bubble gum which TO-FU is trying to blow a bubble.
What do you mean by "the blank TO-FU I have doesn't"? You have dozen of blank TO-FU? Can I have one? :D
The blank TO-FU is pretty big size like 400% of a regular TO-FU. :D
are they expensive?
If you want, I can get some of you but most of them are by random see which one you got. Let me know buddy. ;)
It depend how you see it. Most of them are cheaper than Transformers toys. :)
Actually the TO-FU I got was a freebie from the first STGCC, when it was still known as STCC back then. And I only have one of least I think I do, but I appear to have misplaced it LOL
they are so cute~~~
i loved them since toycon[was it toycon?i cant recall, but most prolly cos i took picture with one. ROFL]
And Leon nice pictures as always ^^
Glad you like them. :)
Go find that TO-FU!! LOL
You are so right. UGLYDOLL do look very well on photo. :)
Thank for the complement! I wonder how series 2 will be. Hope to see them soon. :D
You should pay a visit. It may change your mind. ;)
I wish I can visit the kid robot Los Angeles store you talk about. That will be a sight.
Since I was in the shop, I asked the shop attendants and they are fine with it. That's how it should be.
Seems like there are a big fan base of Ninja town. Do you need me to get one or two for you? Just let me know ya?
You may contact me here to talk more about it? :D