After watching Avatar in 3D, I took out my old Alien toy from Konami to take a look. I realized that I have never blog about this toy before. I remember getting this in blind box.

Before going for blind boxes toys, I would look through the list and see how many of them in the series I am interested in before getting one. Apparently in this series, I was interested in 5/8 which is more than 50% and so I went ahead for the purchase. I was very much hoping for the Standing Alien or the Face Hugger.

Instead I got a new alien that crawl on all four. It was a consolation to me compare to getting the spaceships.

I mean seriously how many of you will be interested in the spacecraft of the Alien? Are they so memorial? If the theme is for Aliens, be generous and give all Aliens design! The rare in the series was another I care little about too.
I was lucky even though the Alien I got was in different color tone, it still retain much of the adult Alien attributes like the shinny long head and the smiling teeth without the slimy metal-melting acidic saliva.One word, Fiecesome.

The figure comes with a base as diorama which help the Alien to balance. Without the base, the tail still can balance by itself with the help of the tail acting as the third point of balance.

The spine is connected to its tail. I wonder why no one attack the Alien's spine in the movie? I mean the Alien has not much fat nor meat to cushion the blow right? That should make him vulnerable right for a direct hit.

Obviously the Alien was not built to go any frontal attack. So it's favorite strategy would be sneaking from the back and disarm it's prey.

I have a bad feeling about this...
Before it make the kill, it would give a up close and personal face to face stare ("Only you" music will start to play). Why that up close? Maybe it want to smell the food before eating it?

Will that be the end of the Clone trooper? Give him a kiss!
Come to think of it, full grown Alien don't kill for food right? I mean have you ever seen the Alien kill a human for food? I only recall they keep human prey alive for the purpose of their reproduction. Once the baby Alien came out of the host, the host will just die and the body was left to rot.. Hm... is that what you remember as well?

Before going for blind boxes toys, I would look through the list and see how many of them in the series I am interested in before getting one. Apparently in this series, I was interested in 5/8 which is more than 50% and so I went ahead for the purchase. I was very much hoping for the Standing Alien or the Face Hugger.

Instead I got a new alien that crawl on all four. It was a consolation to me compare to getting the spaceships.

I mean seriously how many of you will be interested in the spacecraft of the Alien? Are they so memorial? If the theme is for Aliens, be generous and give all Aliens design! The rare in the series was another I care little about too.
I was lucky even though the Alien I got was in different color tone, it still retain much of the adult Alien attributes like the shinny long head and the smiling teeth without the slimy metal-melting acidic saliva.One word, Fiecesome.

The figure comes with a base as diorama which help the Alien to balance. Without the base, the tail still can balance by itself with the help of the tail acting as the third point of balance.

The spine is connected to its tail. I wonder why no one attack the Alien's spine in the movie? I mean the Alien has not much fat nor meat to cushion the blow right? That should make him vulnerable right for a direct hit.

Obviously the Alien was not built to go any frontal attack. So it's favorite strategy would be sneaking from the back and disarm it's prey.

I have a bad feeling about this...
Before it make the kill, it would give a up close and personal face to face stare ("Only you" music will start to play). Why that up close? Maybe it want to smell the food before eating it?

Will that be the end of the Clone trooper? Give him a kiss!
Come to think of it, full grown Alien don't kill for food right? I mean have you ever seen the Alien kill a human for food? I only recall they keep human prey alive for the purpose of their reproduction. Once the baby Alien came out of the host, the host will just die and the body was left to rot.. Hm... is that what you remember as well?
Haha man, sweet little grab you got there dude :D I love the song insert between the alien and the storm tropper...ah...sci fi love ^^
I love Alien 2 too!
@Freak Studios
This is quite an old toy like 4 years or more ago. There will be more blind boxes toys in the coming days. :)
I agree. Come to think of it most James Cameron sequel movie are the best in part 2 like Aliens 2 and Terminator 2... will Avatar 2 be better? We have to wait and see.
Glad you like that "Only you" song humor. :) Sci Fi love for food feasting. LOL
Thank you highlighting Alien 2 was not directed by James Cameron. I always have a impression it was James. LOL
I tip my hat for you being such a Alien 2 fan for naming all the spaceships and guns. I have no doubt that you would get the whole set of figures if you were offered the chance. :)
I would consider this close to 3.75" figure although the Alien is always on crawling position. :)
Cameron did direct the first two Terminator movies, and they're both great (but I like the first one a little bit more).
Thank you my buddy from Agentina for pointing that out. I often confuse between Alien and Aliens (which is part 2).
I just rewatched T2 recently and I don't have a feeling that it is an old movie but T1 does. :P
You confused me there but it's okay. It is part of the interaction. There should not a who right and wrong in the first place. :)
I will wait for revoltech version just in case kaiyodo make something more awesome
The revoltech Alien would be something that I will keep my eyes on too.
@Ant Sized Man
Indeed Konami did a good job.