We have reached the second week of Mcdonald's Doraemon Lucky Charm offers.
The topic of the week of why one of the Zodiac animal was replaced by "Cupid" is still hot in Singapore. I met some of those who originally wanted to collect this series but decided not because of the missing Chinese Zodiac animal to form a complete set. Since I have the intention to use these as a decoration of my new baby room, I will continue to get it.

According to Chinese Zodiac following the Dragon would be the Snake. So here's Doraemon cosplaying as a Green Snake!

The attention to the details of the toy designer can be shown by the texture they gave to the Snake Doraemon. Can you see the Snake like rough texture on the skin?
Doraemon too was very professional by sticking his tongue out as a Snake.

Horse would be the next in line. Apparently Doraemon felt a bit silly wearing this costume.
But it's quite cool with the mane, cute little ears and the horse tail.

I really like the punky style mane.

I did a close up of the label of these toy for horse. Original licensed by Animation Int'l product from 1970 to 2010 Fujiko Pro.

Another side of the label show that this product is just made this year for McD!

The star of this week series would be the Ram (representing the Lamb). See how happy is Doraemon cosplaying as a Ram?

Two possible reason why this toy is popular. The Ram horn is outstanding looking which kinda give a Capricorn feel.

and the other would be the blueish fur. There look so comfy and they are when I touch it.

It also come with a short furry tail too. It's so cute!

Here's a group shot of the Snake, Horse and the Ram Doraemon Lucky Charm.

Which is your favorite among these 3?
Here's my review of the next set. You can see the previous set here.
The topic of the week of why one of the Zodiac animal was replaced by "Cupid" is still hot in Singapore. I met some of those who originally wanted to collect this series but decided not because of the missing Chinese Zodiac animal to form a complete set. Since I have the intention to use these as a decoration of my new baby room, I will continue to get it.

According to Chinese Zodiac following the Dragon would be the Snake. So here's Doraemon cosplaying as a Green Snake!

The attention to the details of the toy designer can be shown by the texture they gave to the Snake Doraemon. Can you see the Snake like rough texture on the skin?

Doraemon too was very professional by sticking his tongue out as a Snake.

Horse would be the next in line. Apparently Doraemon felt a bit silly wearing this costume.

But it's quite cool with the mane, cute little ears and the horse tail.

I really like the punky style mane.

I did a close up of the label of these toy for horse. Original licensed by Animation Int'l product from 1970 to 2010 Fujiko Pro.

Another side of the label show that this product is just made this year for McD!

The star of this week series would be the Ram (representing the Lamb). See how happy is Doraemon cosplaying as a Ram?

Two possible reason why this toy is popular. The Ram horn is outstanding looking which kinda give a Capricorn feel.

and the other would be the blueish fur. There look so comfy and they are when I touch it.

It also come with a short furry tail too. It's so cute!

Here's a group shot of the Snake, Horse and the Ram Doraemon Lucky Charm.

Which is your favorite among these 3?
Here's my review of the next set. You can see the previous set here.
Quick go for it now! It's still on sale!
If you did't point out I wouldn't notice. LOL
You mean Malaysia?
Let us know if over at your end also sell this.
If you want one, drop me a line and see if I can do something about it. :)
Yes similar but Doraemon is much more happy to be in the Snake suit. Horse is good. Hardworking. :D
@Little Plastic Man
That's a hot figure. Go get it before it's too late. :)
no, "here" means Indonesia :D
Do you have doraemon over there?
I see. I was wondering what mcdonald over there have for happy meal toys...
I wonder if I can get em' over here (M'sia)... hmm, gotta check since I don't frequently go to McD. ^^;
Let me know if Malaysia have the same. :)
Can sell me at 2bucks each?
I'm sorry but the above are my personal collection. I will keep your contact here so if anyone who have extra will be able to contact you here. The new set is on sale today. Will be reviewing that later. :)
If you know someone would sell, pls contact me: hhzer@hotmail.com