There's something about Gundam Unicorn...

We all know by now the new Gundam Unicorn are very white and Porsche. Personally I love the design and the color.

Some gunpla fans over at toysdaily recently held a fun contest for repainting Gundam Unicorn digitally and here are some of the fun entries after the fantastic design.

They said the Unicorn design was more than meet the eye. Now I get it. Meet Optimus Gundam Unicorn Prime! Can it transform?

This is what happen when GundamUC tried transforming with Henshin! Go Go Rider Unicorn V3!

A warning of what will happen if I keep eating those fast food for Happy Meal...I will be McUnicorn. Try TM that!

Evangelion Movie Ver. 2.5 You Can (Not) make it as Gundam Unicorn is replacing you! :P

Latest news! Tony Spark has just acquire a Gundam Ironman Unicorn. Sure beat the Hulk Buster I say. :P

Finally Doraemon get a break too! Doraemon for the win!!

I hope you have as much fun as I do when I going through the entries. More of it can be found over at toysdaily.

Which of these you like best?

Meanwhile Today is your last chance to win a FREE tickets for Gundam Unicorn Screening in Singapore. If you have not enter, do so now! The contest end tonight at 23:59 Singapore time.


Gunstray said…
This is some really good repaints, well photoscap/shoppy. Doraemon custom, really won me over,cute nostalgia^^;;
chrismandesign said…
really nice colour-exercise-crossover... i guess there is a lot of ppl with a lot of free time to waste =PPPPP LOL... uhmmmmm, i would go for the Gundam Ronald MacDonald RMD-001 Unicorn Custom Happy Meal series & for the Gundam EVA-01 Unicorn Custom Nerve series kjakjakjakjkajkjakjakjakjakjka for sure !!!
kluxorious said…
the white, clean and sleek for me please!
chubbybots said…
Optimus prime for me!!! Doraemon second!!
G.G. said…
Is such a waste to paint it like Ronald McDonald. lol..

but if i have to choose, i like Optimus Unicorn too.
Mafty said…
Doraemon is epic win for me ehehe..
LEon said…
So here's the result so far

Doraemon - 3
Optimus Unicorn - 2
McUnicorn - 1
Original - 1
janus lu said…
MC D Unicorn, I am loving it! :P
Statwiz said…
OPTIMUS PRIME XDDDDD I want to paint mine lolz
Cass said…
I think I have to go with...
Optimus Unicorn! =D
LEon said…
So here's the result so far

Optimus Unicorn - 4
Doraemon - 3
McUnicorn - 2
Original - 1

Optimus Unicorn is winning!
Anonymous said…
McUnicorn the 1st, followed by Kamen Rider and Optimus. :D
G.G. said…
LOL EVA Unicorn is getting no love.
Anonymous said…
I wonder what the designer were thinking when he make that McD unicorn LoL! I give perfect point of creativity for that one :D
LEon said…
Another vote for McUnicorn

Guess eVa fans still love original EVA instead. :P

Well it's a fan design using digital means so it is out of pure fun. LOL

SO all that pushes the results so far

So here's the result so far

Optimus Unicorn - 4
McUnicorn - 4
Doraemon - 3
Original - 1

we have a tie between McUnicorn and Optimu Unicron!! Only one shall stand and one will fall!
Ha! Ha! The plain white really does provided a lot of room for creativity on ways to customised Unicorn Gundam!
desmond said…
Is this a trend to produce blank figures or toys for collectors to customise whatever they want for their own imagination??
chrismandesign said…
hey !!! i gave one aditional vote for the EVA Unicorn, it doesn’t count ??? LOL

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