I got a May issue Dengeki Hobby Magazine as it come with a special 1/48 Rx78-2 Gundam decal. Due to my busy schedule, I spent close to two months to apply the decal and here is my 1/48 Rx78-2 Gundam. The effort seems to pay off...I think... :P

Let's take a close look on the decals starting from the feet.

Personally I like the way this decal look on the legs. Actually they are many stickers on the lower part of this Gundam compare to his upper parts. They are arrange in neat rows.

With a mixed of black and red wording against the white background, it look great!

Even the beam swords get to have some decal!

The back including the jet pack gets to have decal too but not the shield... I wonder why.

The down side of the decal was the white wording. Due to the nature it is not water base stickers, these white wording didn't really stand out as they should. Can you see the white wording on the blue chest area?

For those who still didn't notice, I was trying to use this Gundam to do the 1/1 30th Anniversary Gundam Statue effect... :P

maybe Zh3us photography who was with me that day will give you that kind of effect. LOL
This Gundam is a joined effort with Dennis from COLLECT'me all who does the painting and me doing up the decal and assembly.
If you must know, this model kit will be displaying in one of the road show soon. More details later.

Let's take a close look on the decals starting from the feet.

Personally I like the way this decal look on the legs. Actually they are many stickers on the lower part of this Gundam compare to his upper parts. They are arrange in neat rows.

With a mixed of black and red wording against the white background, it look great!

Even the beam swords get to have some decal!

The back including the jet pack gets to have decal too but not the shield... I wonder why.

The down side of the decal was the white wording. Due to the nature it is not water base stickers, these white wording didn't really stand out as they should. Can you see the white wording on the blue chest area?

For those who still didn't notice, I was trying to use this Gundam to do the 1/1 30th Anniversary Gundam Statue effect... :P

maybe Zh3us photography who was with me that day will give you that kind of effect. LOL
This Gundam is a joined effort with Dennis from COLLECT'me all who does the painting and me doing up the decal and assembly.
If you must know, this model kit will be displaying in one of the road show soon. More details later.