Something to Say

This blog has been updating almost everyday for this calendar year and as it is coming close to half way mark of the year, it is time for me to re-think about “Open the toy”. As I was writing this post, I read one of a regular Toy blogger, Reis from geek-orthodox had ended his toy blogging after putting so much effort and content into his blog. Now that spur me to seriously considering is it worth the effort I am putting in too.

First of all, I want to thank you that you are still reading this post even though there are no fancy photos. The reason I didn’t put any picture to this post is because many viewers (note I didn’t use the word “Reader”) simply look at the photos without reading what was written. That's really broke my heart. Guys, taking photos do take efforts but doing the writing and piecing the materials together take more effort as I am not a natural writer.

Recently I enrolled my blog to Singapore Blog Award with the encouragement of a friend, BNN who also enrolled in it. This is the second year I was considering to enroll my blog in it. The reason I didn’t enroll last year was I couldn’t fit my blog into any of their given categories. This time round I just enroll my blog in the lifestyle category since toys and games should be a lifestyle. Needless to say, my blog didn’t get in. I felt discourage.

One reason I can think of is majority of my readers are not from Singapore but from different parts of the world all thanks to internet which is a good thing by the way. My friends commented that the nature of my blog is unique and targeted toward a niche audiences. I agree as that was how the direction of this blog was since the beginning.

I started Open the Toy as a toy eccentric blog and still keeping that way today. However my writings and content are not tie down to any label or brand in terms of toys or topics. It is true that my readers will find that my direction on toys itself are divest. I have never promise that my blog follow a certain topic but the only promise I made was this:

Toys, Games and anything Fun.

So FUN is word for me to share and connect to my readers. I hope my readers will enjoy my post with an open mind and shared the joy of the fun.

If you look at my content on the whole, most of the materials are Original (except for toy news and feature artists I interviewed) seasoned with my point of view. I value Sincerity. If I cannot connect myself to that topic, I will not touch on it nor will I post it even on given product review. I do the same in friendship by being sincere and respecting each other.

Some pointed out that my blog lack of a face. So it seems OTTi is not doing a good job as a mascot (maybe I should fire him LOL). If that being the case, maybe I should put more camwhore photos of myself to scare away some readers and is it a risk you are willing to take? LOL Anyway I always wanted the quality of my content be more prominent than my face on this blog. If I wanted my face to be popular I would have put up my face "BIG BIG" long time ago.

I never like to be in a shadow of anyone and please do not compare or class me with some popular bloggers.

The rewards and pleasures for blogging was for me to get to meet people from all walks of life and some even from half way around the world using facebook, blog comments and emails. I reap the joy of meeting like-minded individual and having experience first hand of what it mean by caring and sharing. No sharks No scrapers, what a wonderful world. Life is hard and we need all the friends we can get in life.

Now I have two things that are on my mind now. One is to look for a "sleeker" template for my blog. So do not be alarm if you happen to visit as I am changing the template. If you see something is changing and things are not be place, remain calm and don't do anything. Most likely I am just trying out some template to have better presentation. If you have any recommendation, do let me know.

Secondly, I may have to pay more money for some of the issue of this blog as my images traffic cap is in the reds now. I do not know if anyone copy my image link to some other location but if you know anyone who is doing this, please inform me or tell them not to do so. If you love my post and wanted to share in forum or blogs, please copy SOME (not ALL) of the images and part of the content for posting and linking the URL to the location where you get my post. Do not copy the whole content and give no credits to my materials.

It is not an easy task to produce daily material. I am not a full time blogger (not getting the income as one too) and I still have to work in my day job to earn my keep for my family. I am not asking for money ( but if you want to donate or sponsor we can talk) but all I am asking is for you to read what I wrote (subscribe to my RSS) and get involve like in facebook, twitter to get me going.

Thank you very much for reading and support. Comments, requests and suggestions are always welcome. :)


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