My friend went to Japan and got this gift for me! Knowing I am a Dragonball fan, he got this figure for me. Of course I was overwhelm with happiness. It's Super Saiyan Goku!

This figure is one of the 10th Animation Anniversary of One Piece and Dragonball cross over. See how they mixup the logo together from both Manga?

They use two of the lead character to do the crossover. Luffy and Gokou in case you didn't notice.

Time to Open the toy! Super Saiya Gokou! I like!!

The figure captured the well built Gokou in super Saiyan form. The color of the skin and clothing were painted bright and colorful and even toning/shading! But do you notice something is not right?

Yes! The logo on the front and the back his costume are One Piece logo! if you have sharper eye, you may notice the figure maker marks are engrave on his butt too.

Further more, Gokou is carrying the Devil Fruits which is found only in One Piece comic. Here's a close up of the fruit.

Somehow the devil fruits look like Dragon Fruits in real life.
Did I mention Gokou look pretty evil for this figure?

Maybe it is just me...

Overall I love this figure (because I am a Dragonball fan). I want to thank my friend who gave this toy to me. This make a good display figure.

This figure is one of the 10th Animation Anniversary of One Piece and Dragonball cross over. See how they mix

They use two of the lead character to do the crossover. Luffy and Gokou in case you didn't notice.

Time to Open the toy! Super Saiya Gokou! I like!!

The figure captured the well built Gokou in super Saiyan form. The color of the skin and clothing were painted bright and colorful and even toning/shading! But do you notice something is not right?

Yes! The logo on the front and the back his costume are One Piece logo! if you have sharper eye, you may notice the figure maker marks are engrave on his butt too.

Further more, Gokou is carrying the Devil Fruits which is found only in One Piece comic. Here's a close up of the fruit.

Somehow the devil fruits look like Dragon Fruits in real life.
Did I mention Gokou look pretty evil for this figure?

Maybe it is just me...

Overall I love this figure (because I am a Dragonball fan). I want to thank my friend who gave this toy to me. This make a good display figure.