Project Singa exhibition has finally started at Funan DigitaLife Mall from 12th to 15th November 2010.

Here are some snapshots of the event of my visit on 13th of November 2010. More of the details photos can be found on my facebook page.
Once I was there, I saw the amount of love given to this Singapore Mascot by the public.

We are talking more than 34 designs in that exhibition.

* Photo credit to Hexlord
There were Life size drawing by artist

* Photo credit to Hexlord
This is one of it I like

Other local artist custom design on Singa which includes:
MoJoko take on Singa in Robocop

David Liew

Zaku999 Gundam grade Singa
Wrecker Tike

There are others Laselle design school students entries too

Here's one that I personally find it is quite creative.

For corporate there are a number of Singa such as HP

TANGS Shopping mall

Play Imaginative and much more

There's also a Singapore Singer JJ and Ocean Butterflies Music Singa for "Make a wish foundation".

and Popular Book Store Singa for Education fund fund from Beyond social Services and much more

The results of the "Singa Poster Competition" from Primary and Secondary School were there too.

I personally like this entry done by color pencil. Notice the neat shading?

The results of the "Design-A-Singa Competition" for Design school and public were there too.

Young and old who lived in Singapore are familiar with Singa the Lion and to him being makeover was something that attract them.

When I was there, I saw many are choosing their favourites Singa and buying them.

Not forgetting the limited Boxset which Project Singa was kind to giveaway 3 boxes to my readers which worth S$400!

* Photo credit to Hexlord
Being an "Old School" fella, I picked up the Classic and the Singapore Singa. :)

There still today and tomorrow before the exhibition end. So do drop by to support Singa and get the toys!
More of the photos of the exhibition can be found here.
Remember to be Kind. :)

Here are some snapshots of the event of my visit on 13th of November 2010. More of the details photos can be found on my facebook page.
Once I was there, I saw the amount of love given to this Singapore Mascot by the public.

We are talking more than 34 designs in that exhibition.

* Photo credit to Hexlord
There were Life size drawing by artist

* Photo credit to Hexlord
This is one of it I like

Other local artist custom design on Singa which includes:
MoJoko take on Singa in Robocop

David Liew

Zaku999 Gundam grade Singa

Wrecker Tike

There are others Laselle design school students entries too

Here's one that I personally find it is quite creative.

For corporate there are a number of Singa such as HP

TANGS Shopping mall

Play Imaginative and much more

There's also a Singapore Singer JJ and Ocean Butterflies Music Singa for "Make a wish foundation".

and Popular Book Store Singa for Education fund fund from Beyond social Services and much more

The results of the "Singa Poster Competition" from Primary and Secondary School were there too.

I personally like this entry done by color pencil. Notice the neat shading?

The results of the "Design-A-Singa Competition" for Design school and public were there too.

Young and old who lived in Singapore are familiar with Singa the Lion and to him being makeover was something that attract them.

When I was there, I saw many are choosing their favourites Singa and buying them.

Not forgetting the limited Boxset which Project Singa was kind to giveaway 3 boxes to my readers which worth S$400!

* Photo credit to Hexlord
Being an "Old School" fella, I picked up the Classic and the Singapore Singa. :)

There still today and tomorrow before the exhibition end. So do drop by to support Singa and get the toys!
More of the photos of the exhibition can be found here.
Remember to be Kind. :)
May I know where can I find these singa? Any shops exhibits or selling? Thanks