Before I know it, we enter the last month of 2010. This month will be an exciting month for Toys lover in Singapore for it will be packed with events.
Toy Carnival which is on 5 December 2010 (Sunday) will be up again at Singapore Art Museum. Last year at the same venue, there was lots of good bargains and lots to see too.
STGCC 2010, a major event in Singapore will be on the second week of December 10 - 12 with lots of Comics, Toys and entertaining scenes. It's a good chances to get close to Marvel and DC artists and Toy designers that worth your penny to buy the ticket. One can expect this to grow like a comic-con in US.
As for the rest of the month, it will be Christmas! And what is Christmas without giving gift.
*My Wall.e is all ready for Christmas. XD
Thanks to sponsors, we are having some giveaway. So far most of my giveaway this year are open to local (Singapore) readers to participate. I was considering open some of the giveaway item internationally to oversea readers. One thing that is stopping is the postage fee of sending the item for the giveaway oversea as the item cannot be fitted in an letter mail. So if I am opening it to oversea readers, do you think it's fair for the winner to pay for the postage to them to me through paypal? I think that will be fair for both parties. Don't you think so?
Just need to know the feedback of this before opening it up to the oversea readers. Please feedback. :)
Toy Carnival which is on 5 December 2010 (Sunday) will be up again at Singapore Art Museum. Last year at the same venue, there was lots of good bargains and lots to see too.
STGCC 2010, a major event in Singapore will be on the second week of December 10 - 12 with lots of Comics, Toys and entertaining scenes. It's a good chances to get close to Marvel and DC artists and Toy designers that worth your penny to buy the ticket. One can expect this to grow like a comic-con in US.
As for the rest of the month, it will be Christmas! And what is Christmas without giving gift.

*My Wall.e is all ready for Christmas. XD
Thanks to sponsors, we are having some giveaway. So far most of my giveaway this year are open to local (Singapore) readers to participate. I was considering open some of the giveaway item internationally to oversea readers. One thing that is stopping is the postage fee of sending the item for the giveaway oversea as the item cannot be fitted in an letter mail. So if I am opening it to oversea readers, do you think it's fair for the winner to pay for the postage to them to me through paypal? I think that will be fair for both parties. Don't you think so?
Just need to know the feedback of this before opening it up to the oversea readers. Please feedback. :)