To some, the passion of the toy collecting comes in many forms and most often or not, toy collectors like us may have cross a line or two in our crazy love over our toys.
Here are some funny comic I like to share and see if you can identify with some of the characters in the story. As for non toy collector, see if you can spot such passion on your toy collecting friends. Do note that this is just comic so take it with a pitch of salt. Just for laugher. :)
For Gundam fans, this is for you.
As for toy collectors, this could be your greatest nightmare. (Especially for those Mint in Box MIB collectors). LOL

Once again, please note these comics are for fun and not to pin point anyone in particular. If you enjoy the comic, go to Uncle Loong cafe for more!
Here are some funny comic I like to share and see if you can identify with some of the characters in the story. As for non toy collector, see if you can spot such passion on your toy collecting friends. Do note that this is just comic so take it with a pitch of salt. Just for laugher. :)
For Gundam fans, this is for you.

As for toy collectors, this could be your greatest nightmare. (Especially for those Mint in Box MIB collectors). LOL

Once again, please note these comics are for fun and not to pin point anyone in particular. If you enjoy the comic, go to Uncle Loong cafe for more!