I read from Mock! joining a A-Z Challenge for the month of April and it get me thinking that since I have been writing for this toy related blog for over two years, I have not done anything from A to Z.
Well actually I did touch on here and there like A for Alien and P for Predator but that's about it.

I am number 343 on the list of A-Z blogging Challenge for the month of April. Which mean I will be blogging in sequence from Mon to Sat (Sunday off day) for A to Z. I have about a month to do up the writing. Let's see what fun and toy related things I can come out with.
I am uncertain if I can make it. Do you think I can?
Follow me as I will take you down the trip for toys, games and anything fun for the month of April.
You can follow me by facebook, Twitter or even subscribing by my RSS or by email.
Don't worry about March as I will still be blogging regularly.
if you are a blogger, you can join in the challenge as well!
Thank you for your support in advance. :)
Well actually I did touch on here and there like A for Alien and P for Predator but that's about it.

I am number 343 on the list of A-Z blogging Challenge for the month of April. Which mean I will be blogging in sequence from Mon to Sat (Sunday off day) for A to Z. I have about a month to do up the writing. Let's see what fun and toy related things I can come out with.
I am uncertain if I can make it. Do you think I can?
Follow me as I will take you down the trip for toys, games and anything fun for the month of April.
You can follow me by facebook, Twitter or even subscribing by my RSS or by email.
Don't worry about March as I will still be blogging regularly.
if you are a blogger, you can join in the challenge as well!
Thank you for your support in advance. :)