We are in the summer time and when the weather is Hot, it make sense to chill out with our swimming suit and go for swim. Same can be expected about Love plus girls.
Wave has released news on the coming 1/8 Love plus girls who had lots of love by male gamer as virtual girlfriend. Looking at them, it's easy to understand why these girls get so much support.
Manaka Takane expected to release around November 2011

Rinko Kobayakawa comes with two hairstyles? Estimated released on December 2011

Finally one of the hottest, Nene Anegasaki which will be released in January 2012.
Which is your favorite Love plus girls?
Wave has released news on the coming 1/8 Love plus girls who had lots of love by male gamer as virtual girlfriend. Looking at them, it's easy to understand why these girls get so much support.

Manaka Takane expected to release around November 2011

Rinko Kobayakawa comes with two hairstyles? Estimated released on December 2011

Finally one of the hottest, Nene Anegasaki which will be released in January 2012.

Which is your favorite Love plus girls?