Open the Toy has the pleasure to present to you one of Leon Ku's working in progress TakaraTomy DMK-02 Bumblebee.

This Bumblebee was at the last stage of completion while I have the pleasure to take some of the photos to share it with you.

Leon Ku wanted to capture the battle action of Bumblebee with his mask down. It is logical to see some action on Bumblebee body parts and the details were there.

The whole kit was painted. Nothing was left untouched. Can you see the different metal looking parts of Bumblebee?

Nice legs?

The arm details...
Bumblebee went off road...take him to out door shot.

The great out door from the top... See how the metal cannon reflect the light?
One more shot with nature. See how the sunlight make the whole part glow especially the head lights.

Bumblebee look really organic now. :) Once again a big thank you to Leon Ku for allowing me to take some of your working pictures.

This Bumblebee was at the last stage of completion while I have the pleasure to take some of the photos to share it with you.

Leon Ku wanted to capture the battle action of Bumblebee with his mask down. It is logical to see some action on Bumblebee body parts and the details were there.

The whole kit was painted. Nothing was left untouched. Can you see the different metal looking parts of Bumblebee?

Nice legs?

The arm details...

Bumblebee went off road...take him to out door shot.

The great out door from the top... See how the metal cannon reflect the light?

One more shot with nature. See how the sunlight make the whole part glow especially the head lights.

Bumblebee look really organic now. :) Once again a big thank you to Leon Ku for allowing me to take some of your working pictures.