I received an exclusive plush from Churp Churp Plush as a gift while I met up with some friendly folks of Nuffnang.

The soft toy is an image of the mascot logo of a little blue bird, Churp Churp.

Churp Churp is a community that rewards social media influencers for sharing messages on the latest updates, campaigns and events. By sharing such information to your social network, you get some earning.Basically you can share in over Facebook or tweet it on your twitter account.

This soft toy is about 10 inch tall in height and the big round head make it good to hug.
It was cover with short layer of blue fur and like most plush, it comes with a tag sew on it.

What make this plush cute would be it's big round eye. Quite mesmerizing looking at it. It seems to look back and you saying "You were saying?". As I was doing the shoot of Churp Churp bird, my son came in and wanted it. He seems to be having a good time cuddling with it.

This Churp Churp bird is not for Sale. If you find this Churp Churp bird is cute, join the Churp Churp community and see if you can request them to let you have one. No Guarantee tho. :)
If you are thinking of asking for mine to be given to you, you have to ask my son for that now.

As you can see, I couldn't even get it back for doing a complete review. LOL
Nonetheless I want to thank you ChurpChurp and Nuffnang folks who gave me this gift. :)
By the way, I will be attending the Nuffnang Asia Pacific Blogger award this week (16 Dec 2011) as the result of the Best Geek blog which Open the Toy is a finalist in that category. I will informed you guys the result especially those who have voted and supported this blog so very much.
Let's hope for the best. :)

The soft toy is an image of the mascot logo of a little blue bird, Churp Churp.

Churp Churp is a community that rewards social media influencers for sharing messages on the latest updates, campaigns and events. By sharing such information to your social network, you get some earning.Basically you can share in over Facebook or tweet it on your twitter account.

This soft toy is about 10 inch tall in height and the big round head make it good to hug.

It was cover with short layer of blue fur and like most plush, it comes with a tag sew on it.

What make this plush cute would be it's big round eye. Quite mesmerizing looking at it. It seems to look back and you saying "You were saying?". As I was doing the shoot of Churp Churp bird, my son came in and wanted it. He seems to be having a good time cuddling with it.

This Churp Churp bird is not for Sale. If you find this Churp Churp bird is cute, join the Churp Churp community and see if you can request them to let you have one. No Guarantee tho. :)
If you are thinking of asking for mine to be given to you, you have to ask my son for that now.

As you can see, I couldn't even get it back for doing a complete review. LOL
Nonetheless I want to thank you ChurpChurp and Nuffnang folks who gave me this gift. :)
By the way, I will be attending the Nuffnang Asia Pacific Blogger award this week (16 Dec 2011) as the result of the Best Geek blog which Open the Toy is a finalist in that category. I will informed you guys the result especially those who have voted and supported this blog so very much.
Let's hope for the best. :)