In the beginning of this month, I was excited like most Playstation owner do when I heard that on 20th February that Sony will preview PS4.
As the day drew nearer, more rumors like PS4 will not be accepting preowned game and information on the new AMD chip. I decided not to believe all these rumors and wait for the official news on the actual day.
When that day came, like many gamers of Playstation, I was much disappointed with most of the things Sony had preview but no actual set preview!
As I read more and more of the news release, one question find myself asking this same question.
As a consumer, do I need a PS4?

That question started to list more questions like that following
Am I looking for Graphic?
One of the highlight which Sony trying to impress was to preview what the new PS4 graphics. As much as I am not trying to be carry away. I have to say Sony should be experience to know the success of a game has not so much on the graphic but the game play and storyline. That is why the re-playability is all about that until today there is still demand of the old game titles. To have a successful and lasting console, you got to have lots of good games. Of course if the game is good, having good graphic is a plus.
Am I looking for new way to play the game?
I am not that impress with the new controller like most Playstation owner do. The more you complicate the controller, you only complicate the gameplay making it difficult for gamer to pick up. That is the exact reason why people play mobile game on their phone because it is simple! All these feature only let others and fans alike to pick on from copy Nintendo and Microsoft. Unless you can do a better job than them, if not please stop trying.
Am I a Mulitplayer gamer?
In today context, gamers are split into two groups and it is rarely you see these two group cross path. The Multiplayer gamer (World of warcraft, Diablo, Skyrim) and the typical gamer who play game alone. The fact Diablo 3 is coming on Playstation 4 puzzle me as most online gamers kinda leaving Diablo 3 which after more than 10 years of waiting is a disappointment.
Most gamers just want to play alone and Playstation was all along strong for such Single mode player. It is good that it offer Multiplayer but end of the day most people just want to get a Game disc and hide in their room to play their own game.
Do I need everyone on my facebook or other social network to know I am playing Games?
There are many use of social network and spamming my friend feed or likewise my firends facebook game request isn't one of them. I HATE these spamming. Yes I use the word HATE! That should say a lot.
It maybe cute for awhile if I got free time to ask for game request but somehow I felt most of us already grew out of playing game and posting on social media. While there are many achievements in life to parade and show off on social media, gaming score and hours that I play game and how long I play isn't one of them.
My take in short are as follows:
I never want to buy a console, pay for my internet, pay for the subscription fee monthly to connect and pay to download the game (which take a long time) on my console without having a game disc (and if my set dies all my game and save game is not portable).
Please don't go there Sony. You have already came late for Playstation Vita that lost your market to mobile gaming and don't chase away your old supporter who play game alone the traditional way.
After asking myself all these questions, I came to a conclusion that I am happy with the current PS3 that I have. Why would I need to have a new PS4?

Well Sony has a few month left to listen and plan. Hopefully they can win me over.
Do share with me your thoughts on this issue too. :)
As the day drew nearer, more rumors like PS4 will not be accepting preowned game and information on the new AMD chip. I decided not to believe all these rumors and wait for the official news on the actual day.
When that day came, like many gamers of Playstation, I was much disappointed with most of the things Sony had preview but no actual set preview!
As I read more and more of the news release, one question find myself asking this same question.
As a consumer, do I need a PS4?

That question started to list more questions like that following
Am I looking for Graphic?
One of the highlight which Sony trying to impress was to preview what the new PS4 graphics. As much as I am not trying to be carry away. I have to say Sony should be experience to know the success of a game has not so much on the graphic but the game play and storyline. That is why the re-playability is all about that until today there is still demand of the old game titles. To have a successful and lasting console, you got to have lots of good games. Of course if the game is good, having good graphic is a plus.
Am I looking for new way to play the game?
I am not that impress with the new controller like most Playstation owner do. The more you complicate the controller, you only complicate the gameplay making it difficult for gamer to pick up. That is the exact reason why people play mobile game on their phone because it is simple! All these feature only let others and fans alike to pick on from copy Nintendo and Microsoft. Unless you can do a better job than them, if not please stop trying.
Am I a Mulitplayer gamer?
In today context, gamers are split into two groups and it is rarely you see these two group cross path. The Multiplayer gamer (World of warcraft, Diablo, Skyrim) and the typical gamer who play game alone. The fact Diablo 3 is coming on Playstation 4 puzzle me as most online gamers kinda leaving Diablo 3 which after more than 10 years of waiting is a disappointment.
Most gamers just want to play alone and Playstation was all along strong for such Single mode player. It is good that it offer Multiplayer but end of the day most people just want to get a Game disc and hide in their room to play their own game.
Do I need everyone on my facebook or other social network to know I am playing Games?
There are many use of social network and spamming my friend feed or likewise my firends facebook game request isn't one of them. I HATE these spamming. Yes I use the word HATE! That should say a lot.
It maybe cute for awhile if I got free time to ask for game request but somehow I felt most of us already grew out of playing game and posting on social media. While there are many achievements in life to parade and show off on social media, gaming score and hours that I play game and how long I play isn't one of them.
My take in short are as follows:
I never want to buy a console, pay for my internet, pay for the subscription fee monthly to connect and pay to download the game (which take a long time) on my console without having a game disc (and if my set dies all my game and save game is not portable).
Please don't go there Sony. You have already came late for Playstation Vita that lost your market to mobile gaming and don't chase away your old supporter who play game alone the traditional way.
After asking myself all these questions, I came to a conclusion that I am happy with the current PS3 that I have. Why would I need to have a new PS4?

Well Sony has a few month left to listen and plan. Hopefully they can win me over.
Do share with me your thoughts on this issue too. :)