I blog about the Nerf Sonic Series 2 years ago and only last month I finally get a Sonic Series Maverick. Yes I am SLOW but I have other toys I wanted to get you see. :P

This is the second Maverick that I have. My first Maverick was also a translucent but it was colorless. As you can see I love the translucent series and even more so when this is Green.
I fancy the Maverick design for the retro feeling of having the roulette for the bullet.
This Sonic series are only exclusive to ToysRus so you are right that I got this on discount at Singapore ToysRus. :) The packaging is simple and presentable as it only need it in a card wrapper rather than a full box.

For this exclusive series, they throw in 6 suction darts as ammo.

The darts can be loaded from the front into the roulette which has a space for 6. Being translucent, you can see clearing the remaining darts in the chamber if there are any. That should keep you rather safe.

If it was truly covered, you can only see the ammo from the front when you load in but that is a waste of time do you agree?

Did I mention that I find the luminance green goes well with Neon Orange paint. In this case, the Nerf logo standed out well.

If you are familiar with Maverick you get to learn shooting in a good speed to have pulling the slide back to load your weapon for real confrontation.
Here is a side by side comparison of both Maverick.
Since now I have two, I can hold one on each hand... Nevertheless when comes to using it, I still need two hands to load and shoot the weapon.

This is the second Maverick that I have. My first Maverick was also a translucent but it was colorless. As you can see I love the translucent series and even more so when this is Green.
I fancy the Maverick design for the retro feeling of having the roulette for the bullet.
This Sonic series are only exclusive to ToysRus so you are right that I got this on discount at Singapore ToysRus. :) The packaging is simple and presentable as it only need it in a card wrapper rather than a full box.

For this exclusive series, they throw in 6 suction darts as ammo.

The darts can be loaded from the front into the roulette which has a space for 6. Being translucent, you can see clearing the remaining darts in the chamber if there are any. That should keep you rather safe.

If it was truly covered, you can only see the ammo from the front when you load in but that is a waste of time do you agree?

Did I mention that I find the luminance green goes well with Neon Orange paint. In this case, the Nerf logo standed out well.

If you are familiar with Maverick you get to learn shooting in a good speed to have pulling the slide back to load your weapon for real confrontation.
Here is a side by side comparison of both Maverick.
Since now I have two, I can hold one on each hand... Nevertheless when comes to using it, I still need two hands to load and shoot the weapon.