More of my World collection series of Kamen Rider and today is Fourze Firestates.
The element of Fire often symbolize in Red so is this figure. The box is pretty standard showing the actual figure inside.
Out of box, color of the red is very consistent as in the box packaging and over all his body. The figure however need a stand to secure him standing firm.

The shape of the head is like a drill or some will find it resemble an egg and this look like a Red egg which over my part of the world having it for happy occasion. LOL
Close up on the eye which was in Green for this states compliment the majority red tone.

Only the gun did they paint it in red metallic paint which is a nice touch.

The belt was translucent and look well with the red color theme.

Putting the Elekstates Fourze and this FireStates Fourze the contrast is great!

Which do you prefer? Firestates or Elekstates Fourze?

The element of Fire often symbolize in Red so is this figure. The box is pretty standard showing the actual figure inside.

Out of box, color of the red is very consistent as in the box packaging and over all his body. The figure however need a stand to secure him standing firm.

The shape of the head is like a drill or some will find it resemble an egg and this look like a Red egg which over my part of the world having it for happy occasion. LOL

Close up on the eye which was in Green for this states compliment the majority red tone.

Only the gun did they paint it in red metallic paint which is a nice touch.

The belt was translucent and look well with the red color theme.

Putting the Elekstates Fourze and this FireStates Fourze the contrast is great!

Which do you prefer? Firestates or Elekstates Fourze?