In the early 1980s, Dungeons and Dragons was hot but there was some Dungeons and Dragons toys only. Now Hasbro KRE-O has another new series for Dungeons & Dragons.
Similar to KRE-O previous line of Transformers, they comes with Single character pack called the KREON Warriors. Some of them are the character Vansi like an Orc.
Drizzt like a dark elf.
Eye of Grummish who should be an Orc too.
Wulfgar a human.
Lord Nevermber a Human king of sort it seems...
There also duel pack with vehicles such as Orc's giant crossbow which shoot rings.
Lightning Cannon that shoot projectiles.
There are castle set like Fortress Tower for Man.
Battle Outpost of 2 Human vs an Orc.
A bigger playset Fortress Defense where man are on defense against Orcs.
This is an interesting series but the interest for the kids or adults alike have to see if Dungeons & Dragons still attracts them as the strong branding of The Lord of the Rings and Hobbits from LEGO.
If only they build more full castles setting and not just some part of castle playset...
What do you think?

Similar to KRE-O previous line of Transformers, they comes with Single character pack called the KREON Warriors. Some of them are the character Vansi like an Orc.

Drizzt like a dark elf.

Eye of Grummish who should be an Orc too.

Wulfgar a human.

Lord Nevermber a Human king of sort it seems...

There also duel pack with vehicles such as Orc's giant crossbow which shoot rings.

Lightning Cannon that shoot projectiles.

There are castle set like Fortress Tower for Man.

Battle Outpost of 2 Human vs an Orc.

A bigger playset Fortress Defense where man are on defense against Orcs.

This is an interesting series but the interest for the kids or adults alike have to see if Dungeons & Dragons still attracts them as the strong branding of The Lord of the Rings and Hobbits from LEGO.
If only they build more full castles setting and not just some part of castle playset...
What do you think?