1984 is a very good year...many of which some of you are not even born yet and if you are you should be in your 30s or more.
Anyway it is the year Hasbro releases the first Transformers and to bring Retro back, KRE-O series will be having a SDCC 2014 exclusive, KREON Class of 1984.
What is in this box set? 30 classic G1 Autobots and Decepticons in KRE-O form!
That is not all, there are some accessories that define 1980s such as boom box, floppy disk, cassette tapes and a mullet!
These are only available at SDCC. Not too sure they will release in other region after sometime. A great boxset to have if you want to start KRE-O series collection.
Anyway it is the year Hasbro releases the first Transformers and to bring Retro back, KRE-O series will be having a SDCC 2014 exclusive, KREON Class of 1984.

What is in this box set? 30 classic G1 Autobots and Decepticons in KRE-O form!

That is not all, there are some accessories that define 1980s such as boom box, floppy disk, cassette tapes and a mullet!

These are only available at SDCC. Not too sure they will release in other region after sometime. A great boxset to have if you want to start KRE-O series collection.