It's my pleasure to get these set of Capsule toys that I shared a couple of months ago. It's Heath Ledger as The Joker series!

There are total of 5 in this series and each of them have so much detail and likeness of the Heath Ledger as The Joker. Let's Open the Toy and review it!
First in the list, The Joker at the street of Gotham in the middle of night challenging Batman.

He stood his ground provoking Batman to hit him with his bike...

The maddest in him was obvious and you can see that passion on this toy as well!

Next, the scene when the Joker introducing himself to the gang of Gotham. Being all prepared and walk out of that gang unharmed.

He left them a card. Just look at the detail of the card and be mindful this is a toy not taller than 5cm!

Even from the back, you can see the detail of the card.

Next you guess it...

Remember the part when Joker is among the bank robber?

He disguised himself as a regular person as you can see he dye his hair brown for that.
Remember kids, Whatever that does not kill you makes you.....Stranger. Hehehe

If happiness is of anything, he when the Joker drove in a stolen police car sticking his head out to enjoy the sensation of the Gotham night. You will notice the GPD details on the police car which mean Gotham Police Department.

Maybe he is smelling the fears and feeding himself with it.

He even stick his tongue out behaving like a dog enjoying the ride.

For this toy, you can see the watermark of the maker at the bottom of the Police vehicle. Don't expect the wheels to roll tho.

Last but not least the famous scene when he was capture by Batman hanging upside down.
This toy even work on the back of the Joker with those hidden details...

The Gold was the accuracy of the expression capture in that scene when his master plan was to turn Gotham white knight to be a mad villain like him.

His joy was to see the world burn! What will Batman do with such evil and madness?

If you are a fan like I am for The Dark Knight, these are one series you got to get hold of.
I am glad I never missed this series. If you do, do not worry as there will be another release in November due to popular demand.
Do you think you want these set of Joker?

There are total of 5 in this series and each of them have so much detail and likeness of the Heath Ledger as The Joker. Let's Open the Toy and review it!
First in the list, The Joker at the street of Gotham in the middle of night challenging Batman.

He stood his ground provoking Batman to hit him with his bike...

The maddest in him was obvious and you can see that passion on this toy as well!

Next, the scene when the Joker introducing himself to the gang of Gotham. Being all prepared and walk out of that gang unharmed.

He left them a card. Just look at the detail of the card and be mindful this is a toy not taller than 5cm!

Even from the back, you can see the detail of the card.

Next you guess it...

Remember the part when Joker is among the bank robber?

He disguised himself as a regular person as you can see he dye his hair brown for that.

Remember kids, Whatever that does not kill you makes you.....Stranger. Hehehe

If happiness is of anything, he when the Joker drove in a stolen police car sticking his head out to enjoy the sensation of the Gotham night. You will notice the GPD details on the police car which mean Gotham Police Department.

Maybe he is smelling the fears and feeding himself with it.

He even stick his tongue out behaving like a dog enjoying the ride.

For this toy, you can see the watermark of the maker at the bottom of the Police vehicle. Don't expect the wheels to roll tho.

Last but not least the famous scene when he was capture by Batman hanging upside down.

This toy even work on the back of the Joker with those hidden details...

The Gold was the accuracy of the expression capture in that scene when his master plan was to turn Gotham white knight to be a mad villain like him.

His joy was to see the world burn! What will Batman do with such evil and madness?

If you are a fan like I am for The Dark Knight, these are one series you got to get hold of.

I am glad I never missed this series. If you do, do not worry as there will be another release in November due to popular demand.
Do you think you want these set of Joker?