The first day of STGCC 2014 was more than I expect. Why? Because this year they are really more Toys than anything else!! Remember STGCC is Singapore TOY, Games, Comic Convention. So the TOY comes first and they are lot of it! I like!!

So what are the Toys there at STGCC? First enter you will see Hot Toys booth by Action City.

You will be welcome by the Stormtroopers from Starwars.
Now I was hoping to see a Darth Vader statue like the recent HongKong Hot toys but there was no Vader. Just four life size Storm Troopers that many want to take photo with!

Here are some Hot toys preview at STGCC that is coming our way.
First Batman from the popular Playstation console game Arkham City Batman!

The classic Robocop with his chair which details from the movie...

The battle damage at the final scene in movie one of Robocop!

Now I was looking out for Back to the Future and indeed it was preview there!! The full glory!

Michael J Fox for Marty McFly!

Here's the flux capacitor!! Didn't see any lighting tho...

Some of the 1980s accessories. Oh the Walkman!!

Hot Toys first G1 1980s Optimus Prime was on display! If you are wondering, he cannot transform tho.

Another 1980s iconic Sci-Fi movie, the Alien!!

Just look at the likeness and the hair! It is like real hair! Oh the 80s hairstyles!

The Captain America transformation moment!

At the center of the booth, was The Avengers battle scene that is similar to last year.

Now the really Hot toys are the Guardians of the Galaxy and here are some close up of the Toys!

Drax the Destroyer



and last of all Groot!!

Okay more Toys on my next post!
STGCC is still on and you can drop by tomorrow as it will be the last day! You have to go down to see the full glory of the display at Hot toys as there are just simply too many to take photos and look so good!
Enterbay Booth
XM Studio Booth
ACG HongKong Comic Toy
Transformers Related Toy