I was invited by a local Gundam model kit group to a Monoeye Groupbuild 2015 which hosted today at Omocha Village. The topic was Monoeye Gunpla and I was quite lazy to build any gunpla due to my work schedule. It was only a few hour before the event that I decided to build one Monoeye Gunpla.
Since I have a Gundam Expo version MSN-04 Sazabi, I decided to have a sketch built since the finishing already look awesome and I have been saving this kit for a special occasion...
It took me less than half an hour to build the head up and it look impressive already. Certainly this kit would be a head turner.
I was nearly late for the event and true to what I expected, there are many good looking Monoeye Gunpla!

Being a chrome figure is not enough. I needed more. Thankfully there was an instant organic display base, The crater from Fantastic Toy Studio that is on sales recently and with this base, my kit got more attention. Hehehe
Here are some of the strong entry that day.

Dennis entry. Really good looking for a SD.

Vintage kit but color and detail is amazing.
Love the weathering effect.

Toymaker entry is visually stunning as usual.

Even pink look good on this.

This metallic look heavy!!

Here is the full collection of the entries that day at my facebook page.
I didn't win anything but I am happy as to see so many Monoeye lover and others actually like the presentation of my kit. :)
Since I have a Gundam Expo version MSN-04 Sazabi, I decided to have a sketch built since the finishing already look awesome and I have been saving this kit for a special occasion...

It took me less than half an hour to build the head up and it look impressive already. Certainly this kit would be a head turner.

I was nearly late for the event and true to what I expected, there are many good looking Monoeye Gunpla!

Being a chrome figure is not enough. I needed more. Thankfully there was an instant organic display base, The crater from Fantastic Toy Studio that is on sales recently and with this base, my kit got more attention. Hehehe

Here are some of the strong entry that day.

Dennis entry. Really good looking for a SD.

Vintage kit but color and detail is amazing.

Love the weathering effect.

Toymaker entry is visually stunning as usual.

Even pink look good on this.

This metallic look heavy!!

Here is the full collection of the entries that day at my facebook page.
I didn't win anything but I am happy as to see so many Monoeye lover and others actually like the presentation of my kit. :)