Leon Ku have recently repainted a Hasbro leader class Megatron from Transformers: The Last Knight series and it look awesome!!

* Photo credit to Sam Lim from Hobby Art gallery.
Color paint used was E7 black primer, E7 78 gunmetal warm, citadel gold. vallejo wash. Hobbymate chrome marker used

The Jet or plane mode look awesome too!

Does this make you want to think twice to get this Megatron??
You can see more of this Megatron at Leon Ku Page .

* Photo credit to Sam Lim from Hobby Art gallery.
Color paint used was E7 black primer, E7 78 gunmetal warm, citadel gold. vallejo wash. Hobbymate chrome marker used

The Jet or plane mode look awesome too!

Does this make you want to think twice to get this Megatron??
You can see more of this Megatron at Leon Ku Page .