There was a Mechatro WeGO Custom Show at STGCC 2017 organised by Toys-To-Art Showcase. Being a WeGo fans, I went to pay a visit.
MODERHYTHM by Kobayashi Kazushi from Japan
Horrible Adorables from USA was really an alternate take cover with much comfy texture all around.
This Mechatro WeGo by Paul Kaiju from USA actually have blinking LED in his eyes. Just as this is a photo, I cannot capture that feature.
Doktor A. from UK showing what was inside that is controlling his WeGo! Wicked.
From Taiwan, BanaNa ViruS. Need not explain much. ;)
Luke Chueh from USA with his signature White bear MechatroWeGo bot which expose the pilot inside!
Dolly Oblong from Netherlands Mechatro WeGo is gotta catch them all! Hehehe
Bryan Lie (GLITCH) from Indonesia added some nice clothing on the MechatroWeGo!
Quiccs Maiquez from Philippines MechatroWeGo look awesome with his black and White skull design!
TOUMA from Japan take on the MechatroWeGo with style.
How2work / Kasing Lung from Hongkong take on his MechatroWeGo look friend.
Karori Hinata (Hinatique) from Japan take give a good uniform on their MechatroWeGo more to the Victorian era style.
Carlos East from The Beast Brothers from USA take is interesting with a Masked wrestling feel to me. They even did a display base!
Deanne George (Sorbet Jungle) from USA make a cool 4 legged monoeye bot it seems.
Yasu / Ebineko-ya from Japan artist was someone I met her in person at the event. She actually made 4 MechatroWeGo! I would say the more the merrier!
One of the small MechatroWeGo even have cute eggs in the Nest on his head! Cute!
Overall I love these display as various artist take on their style and opening MechatroWeGo to more people.
Personally I built a MechatroWeGoand it is really interesting. Maybe I should do my own style but I am not an artist....and its too much work. But if someone would invite me, I don't mind make one. LOL

MODERHYTHM by Kobayashi Kazushi from Japan

Horrible Adorables from USA was really an alternate take cover with much comfy texture all around.

This Mechatro WeGo by Paul Kaiju from USA actually have blinking LED in his eyes. Just as this is a photo, I cannot capture that feature.

Doktor A. from UK showing what was inside that is controlling his WeGo! Wicked.

From Taiwan, BanaNa ViruS. Need not explain much. ;)

Luke Chueh from USA with his signature White bear MechatroWeGo bot which expose the pilot inside!

Dolly Oblong from Netherlands Mechatro WeGo is gotta catch them all! Hehehe

Bryan Lie (GLITCH) from Indonesia added some nice clothing on the MechatroWeGo!

Quiccs Maiquez from Philippines MechatroWeGo look awesome with his black and White skull design!

TOUMA from Japan take on the MechatroWeGo with style.

How2work / Kasing Lung from Hongkong take on his MechatroWeGo look friend.

Karori Hinata (Hinatique) from Japan take give a good uniform on their MechatroWeGo more to the Victorian era style.

Carlos East from The Beast Brothers from USA take is interesting with a Masked wrestling feel to me. They even did a display base!

Deanne George (Sorbet Jungle) from USA make a cool 4 legged monoeye bot it seems.

Yasu / Ebineko-ya from Japan artist was someone I met her in person at the event. She actually made 4 MechatroWeGo! I would say the more the merrier!

One of the small MechatroWeGo even have cute eggs in the Nest on his head! Cute!

Overall I love these display as various artist take on their style and opening MechatroWeGo to more people.
Personally I built a MechatroWeGoand it is really interesting. Maybe I should do my own style but I am not an artist....and its too much work. But if someone would invite me, I don't mind make one. LOL