This is the first release of keroro Gunzo under robort damashii series. Keroro Gunzo have been rather popular over a decade ago and after almost a decade, Bandai release the toy again.

The mecha would come with 3 form and here is the base form.

The back view of the base form.

The 2nd form is turning the mech into Unicorn mode.

The mecha will come with jet on feet effect and also accessories like the twin sabers.

Finally the final form, in Unicorn Destroyer mode.

You can use all the fire power of the mech in this ultimate form!
You can also put Keroro on this combine saucer mode constructed by mecha accessories.
Come with this first release only, it will come with Keroro in pilot suit plus base.

Releasing in May 2019 at 4,500 Yen
I guess this could ignite fans of Keroro after a decade of rest. Yes?

The mecha would come with 3 form and here is the base form.

The back view of the base form.

The 2nd form is turning the mech into Unicorn mode.

The mecha will come with jet on feet effect and also accessories like the twin sabers.

Finally the final form, in Unicorn Destroyer mode.

You can use all the fire power of the mech in this ultimate form!

You can also put Keroro on this combine saucer mode constructed by mecha accessories.

Come with this first release only, it will come with Keroro in pilot suit plus base.

Releasing in May 2019 at 4,500 Yen
I guess this could ignite fans of Keroro after a decade of rest. Yes?