Like Godzilla? Here are two more Kaiju of the latest Godzilla movie. Two flying type that come together. Mothra (Fully Evolved version) and Rodan.

First I would say about Rodan, a.k.a the Fire demon that has wings.

The figure allow the wing to flap.

And there's a stand to hold Rodan in flight display pose that come with the figure.

Top view of the texture of the Rodan.

Next is Mothra.

Being a bug type, you can see the pattern on her wings resemble big eyes.

The killer weapon are her claws.

Mothra come with a stand to hold her flight position for display.

Finally the boxart or the promotional poster of Mothra and Rodan!

Releasing in November 2019 at the listed price of 11,000 JPY

First I would say about Rodan, a.k.a the Fire demon that has wings.

The figure allow the wing to flap.

And there's a stand to hold Rodan in flight display pose that come with the figure.

Top view of the texture of the Rodan.

Next is Mothra.

Being a bug type, you can see the pattern on her wings resemble big eyes.

The killer weapon are her claws.

Mothra come with a stand to hold her flight position for display.

Finally the boxart or the promotional poster of Mothra and Rodan!

Releasing in November 2019 at the listed price of 11,000 JPY