Here are the coming release of the next wave of Marvel 80th Anniversary Marvel Legends figures.

The coming release are more on the movie MCU.
Captain America and Peggy Carter boxset

This version come with the first ever Peggy Carter with a rifle. Young Captain America with his first shield and the vibranium round shield that was still not painted in the early First Avenger movie.

Skurge and Hela boxset
From Thor Ragnarok, Skurge come with his axe and rifle. Hela come with 3 different head and also a hand with mjolnir

Iron Man Mark 50 and Iron Spider boxset

Finally the correct Iron-Spider with claw and mask off Tom Holland head!! Also Iron Man Mark 50 parked with accessories to form most of the weapon against Thanos in infinity war.

Luis and Ghost boxset

Ant-man and the Wasp with the first ever Luis figure in suit and his luggage building. Ghost with mask off as well.
These will be releasing the coming month!
Get ready your money!!

The coming release are more on the movie MCU.
Captain America and Peggy Carter boxset

This version come with the first ever Peggy Carter with a rifle. Young Captain America with his first shield and the vibranium round shield that was still not painted in the early First Avenger movie.

Skurge and Hela boxset

From Thor Ragnarok, Skurge come with his axe and rifle. Hela come with 3 different head and also a hand with mjolnir

Iron Man Mark 50 and Iron Spider boxset

Finally the correct Iron-Spider with claw and mask off Tom Holland head!! Also Iron Man Mark 50 parked with accessories to form most of the weapon against Thanos in infinity war.

Luis and Ghost boxset

Ant-man and the Wasp with the first ever Luis figure in suit and his luggage building. Ghost with mask off as well.

These will be releasing the coming month!
Get ready your money!!