Transformers Generations -Transformers Collaborative: Jurassic Park Mash-Up, Tyrannocon Rex & Autobot JP93 Coming
Who would imagine Transformers will be working with Jurassic Park franchise. Well in 2021, we finally have such collaboration.

It is quite a massive set with Decepticon as Dino and Autobot as a vehicle. I am loving both in the disguise form.

In the bot mode both still look decent with the fleshly colors.

Check out Autobot JP93. I assuming it is Jurassic Park 1993 right?

The decal and colors are as screen accurate as in the movie of the first Jurassic Park appearance.

For those that love the Dino, this Decepticon did great with brown tone color and texture of a dino.

When transformed it is similar of the structure of Beast war Megatron

This set will be out in November 2021 and the price is around USD $104.99
Quite pricy but not surprising as most Transformers Collaborative is around that price.
Look out for it TF fans!