For Comic-Con, NECA is releasing this "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles The Catwoman from Channel 6 Box Set" as an exclusive!
This boxset did a good design which kinda make it like the building of Channel 6 where the front made as a movie poster with the title.

On of the side if you put in landscape mode, it will be like a retro Television with April O' Neil doing reporting during "Happy Hour News" segment.

The back of the box feature the toys and part inside acting different scene of the cartoon. You can be flip open to see the internal figures through clear plastic without opening the box.

The boxset come with four action figures (Catwoman April, Irma, Burne, Vernon). There are also accessories like 2 studio lights, 2 video cameras, boom mic, headset, camera bag, bowl of turtle soup, spoon, "Hunky Reporter" photo, Tiffany photo, cat, toy mouse, mutant turtle Burne, mutant turtle Vernon, alternate blindfolded Vernon head, alternate angry Burne head, interchangeable Were-Rat Irma arms and head, and interchangeable hands.

On of the side if you put in landscape mode, it will be like a retro Television with April O' Neil doing reporting during "Happy Hour News" segment.

The back of the box feature the toys and part inside acting different scene of the cartoon. You can be flip open to see the internal figures through clear plastic without opening the box.

The boxset come with four action figures (Catwoman April, Irma, Burne, Vernon). There are also accessories like 2 studio lights, 2 video cameras, boom mic, headset, camera bag, bowl of turtle soup, spoon, "Hunky Reporter" photo, Tiffany photo, cat, toy mouse, mutant turtle Burne, mutant turtle Vernon, alternate blindfolded Vernon head, alternate angry Burne head, interchangeable Were-Rat Irma arms and head, and interchangeable hands.
This boxset was set to be Comic-Con Exclusive but is also releasing in store in the coming days. It would be rare in certain part of the world but who knows you may see it at where you are.