Marvel Legends Gamerverse Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 Comng

If you are into the Playstation Spider-man, here is the new Hasbro Marvel Legends Gamerverse Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 release.

Hasbro Marvel Legends Gamerverse Marvel’s Spider-Man 2

Firstly the packaging is all "plastic-free" which you have no idea how the figure look like but trust in Hasbro quality control. 
Hasbro Marvel Legends Gamerverse Marvel’s Spider-Man 2

The body is a new body type of recent same body of the new figure. In short this is different from the PS4 version that was release in 2018
Hasbro Marvel Legends Gamerverse Marvel’s Spider-Man 2

It was said it is great for posing with the new body type as the figure comes with a webbing effect for swinging around.
Hasbro Marvel Legends Gamerverse Marvel’s Spider-Man 2

You can see the figure in action in some of the product shot. 
Hasbro Marvel Legends Gamerverse Marvel’s Spider-Man 2

You may want to compare this version with the Spider-man 2 on PS5 later in the year to see if it is video accurate, as there may be costume changes in the game. 
Hasbro Marvel Legends Gamerverse Marvel’s Spider-Man 2

This will be released officially in 3rd July 2023.


GIJigsaw said…
That looks awesome. Will have to snag him.

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